Sunday, September 19, 2010


Some of you (my all of five followers -- whom I appreciate and love very much) may have noticed that I recently changed the name of my blog-of-running-conscious. The reason for this is first and foremost 1.) for you -- my audience. I think it's important that I share more than just the events of "my gay life" -- which by most standards can be typically D-List (at least for now...I'm working towards that A-List). The second reason 2.) is because there's so much going on in the world and especially within my scope of observation that I think we all need to be aware of -- that includes all of us on the planet -- not just the denizens of gayville. We're part of a much bigger community...and even though we don't get as much [positive] attention as we like -- we deserve to have our input on the social stream of conscious.

And that's what I think I'm really meant to do. And I hope that everyone will participate in that with me. As a pop-culture commentator (yes, I'll legitimize myself by owning that title) and celebrity profiler I want to make it my goal to bring out the unexpected in the world audience. I know that I will succeed.

Thus the reason behind revising the mantra of my blog -- OUT LOUD and Living! is now a call to action: as much meant for me as for all of us out there. It's a way for me to expand on my commitment to myself to be genuine especially in my endeavor to create and evolve myself into a relevant voice able to capture and deliver on all the explosive and electrifying aspects of our world -- especially from the point of view of popular culture. I'm learning so much...about what drives us and inspires us; why we are the way we are and why we're becoming this -- and especially why we have to active contributors to our community -- in politics and beyond. We must be an out loud and present voice -- we must participate!

That's what I'd like to always do -- participate and bring you an audience in to share in that experience -- I'd like to reveal what isn't the most obvious (as evidenced in my recent profile of Real Housewife of New Jersey Danielle Staub) and celebrate the individual (check out my interviews with my friends Wanda Sykes and Mike Ruiz). And this I promise is just the tip of the iceberg -- let's hear it for global warming!

Please share your thought. Post your comments and live -- be a part of it all and be out loud!

Stay with me.


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